Ethel R. Lee
When my schedule's not demanding and I manage to carve out some free time, you might just find me at the beach. In the cool of the morning or evening with my chair, umbrella, a book, soft music playing on an electronic devise, and my beach bag filled with all the sun, hunger, and hydration aids needed, communing with God. My porch is a close second, but It is one of my most favorite spots to relax, unwind, and simply breathe. Since becoming a Grandma, the beach now shares its place with "FaceTime", where I get to hang out with my grands. Nothing compares to seeing them, talking with them, and even reading and singing with them as if I'm in the chair right next to them in the same room. Their energy is purely refreshing, something a "Gma" can use these days!
Folks, I am a Floridian! Born and raised! A writer, author, speaker, life coach, mentor, encourager, teacher, and a minister. A mother of 3 adult sons, 2 daughters-in-law, a godmother, and as I mentioned earlier, a proud grandma! It has been such an honor to be apart of their journey. I will continue to walk along side them and we will press forward and continue to grow and mature. And now, to see them adulting, is indeed a cause to give God all the praise. When it's necessary, I will remind them that putting God first allows everything else to fall into place, and at the appointed time. I remember having to incorporate that same truth into my own life when learning about Romans 12:1-2 in my early twenties. There, we're encouraged to "Be Transformed By Renewing Our Mind", and doing so has become a ongoing goal of mine.
Just as I encourage my family, you, and everyone I have the opportunity to come into contact, I too must address the issues within my heart and choose to "Release Life's Issues To Walk In God's Freedom!" while pressing towards the mark as encouraged in Philippians 3:12-14
I love that you've connected with me; really, it is an honor! So, let's continue to grow in God and keep "Pressing Towards The Mark!" Philippians 3:14
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