Ethel R. Lee
While walking in my neighborhood recently, I felt the Spirit of God say to me: "there's a difference between pride and faith" I was surprisingly taken by the words, but quickly resolved within myself it's truth and that I needed to get to the root of my pride that I called faith. You see, since becoming a Christian, I've learned that my gifts and abilities are not of myself but are f rom God. So I understand all glory, honor, or praise as a result of them being used belongs to Him. When there is success, I may say "Praise God!" When there re failures, I may say "God you are good and I thank you for bringing me out of that situation!" If there are high moments, I may praise Him with a "Glory to God!" Even in the low seasons, I acknowledge Him and may say "God I trust you for making a way!" So, where was there pride in my praises to God you may ask?It was called to my remembrance that "control" was the culprit to my pride. I clearly became aware that there was still residue of "being in control" operating in my life. I discovered years ago that I had a personal relationship with control. And in a subtle way, it was still lurking around; and fear at the root of my desire to be in control. I know it's not a good place to be, but I was not trusting God, so I attempted to control my situations.I recall I John 4:18 stating that "There is no fear in love; but perfect love cast out feat: because fear has torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love."Taking an even closer look, I compared three characteristics of love vs fear. The chart below, "Live In Love Or Fear?" is what I discovered. Which you may see that love and fear do not agree. So daily I'm releasing fear and anything that interferes with me trusting God or hinders me from walking in His perfect love. There is a difference between loved based or fear driven!So Choose Love Over Fear!
Let's continue to grow in God and keep "Pressing Towards The Mark" Philippians 3:14
Take a moment to reflect, then consider posting if you've learned or qre learing to walk in love versus fear. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Looking forward to our next time together.
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